Friday 1 February 2013

Nuclear Testing should be banned or not?

Today's View:Class 6

          Nuclear testing should be banned or not?

1. In my opinion, nuclear testing should be banned. There is always a risk that a melt down or reaction or leakage could occur, which can harm living things and environment.
                                                                                                                                                - Rohith S.

2. Nuclear testing will help our defense system. we should be always ready to face the world
                                                                                                                                                                 - Khadijah

3. Nuclear power, a rich source of energy can replace the non - renewable sources of energy and thus, help mankind in the growing crisis.
                                                                - Suchitra B.

4. Nuclear explosions have a huge environmental impact. The long term effects of radioactive materials thrown into the atmosphere by the explosions are uncertain.
                                                                                                                                 - Yashika.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Freedom in the past or freedom at present?

Today's View : Class 7

Freedom in the past or freedom at present? which one do you value the most?

1. Freedom in the past meant a lot for our ancestors  because they had experienced the life of a slave under the British rule and freedom from the British meant a lot.
                                                                                                                   - P. Balasiddarth

2. Freedom at present is a threat to mankind and animals. People cut trees in the name of development, create  mass destruction in the name of nuclear weapons, in the name of internal security and dispose waste into the sea.
                                                                                                                    - Grace Varghese


3. I prefer freedom at the present because, an individual has a freedom to select the leader. Also, by making use of six rights, one can contribute towards Nation's development.
                                                                                                                     - Sudha Rani R.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Cricket more popular than our National game?

Today's View : Class 5

  Why is cricket more popular than our National game?

1. The widespread popularity of cricket among the people,the tremendous media attention has halted the progress of other sports in our country.
                                                                                        - Keerthana R
2. Indians are crazy about the cricket. So, the comparison lies not in sports but in our thinking only.
         - Rajkumar. K
3. Hockey is our National game and has won many gold medals in Olympics but all will  remember Kapil Dev's team winning the cricket world cup. 
                                                                                                          - Rashid Shaikh

4. People don't know how to play or the rules of our National game. But, they are well conversant with cricket.
                                            - Judiya Binoy


Thursday 10 January 2013

Modern technology

Today's View: Class - 6th students

 Advantages and Disadvantages of modern technology

1. Modern technology makes life easier and more dignified for most of the people.                                                                                                                                                                                   

2.When things become easier,man will not use his brain.

3.Without the modern technology, a lot of people will struggle with their health.

4.Technology is a queer thing.It brings you great gifts with one hand and hit you at the back with other.

5.Vehicles and major manufacturing plants release 
ever-increasing amount of polluting gases and water.
                                                                                                                                  Bhavana. L. 

Wednesday 2 January 2013

PLASTIC – A ban or boon

Today’s  View : Class- 7th Students

                                                 PLASTIC – A ban or boon

1.    Plastics are useful for children because most of the toys are made up of plastic.                                                                                                                      

                                                                         Rohith M

2.    Plastic bags should be banned because, it causes soil pollution. If cattle eat them they                                              suffer from alimentary canal diseases therefore we should not use plastic bags.                                                                                                                      


3.    Plastics   are light and colourful. Children  enjoy  playing  with  toys  which  are  very attractive. Plastics are handy and therefore I think we can use plastic but in limit.

                                                                                                                                  Komal S Kumar 

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Junk Food s healthy or not

Today's View :   Class - 5th  Students

Junk Food is healthy or not ?


1. Yes ! People buy junk food because its cheap , quick & Highly Promoted.     
                                                                                                                                    Alby Mariya Jose

2. No ! Children are getting obese everyday  by eating junk food regularly.    
                                                                                                                                    Hithishree M

3. Yes ! it helps to eradicate hunger & it is Cheep                                               M D Saqlin Khan

4. Yes of course ! Junk food is good if we eat occasionally but if we make it a habit of eating it   daily , it is not good for our health.                                                                         Shishira S 

Monday 17 December 2012

Should Pocket money be given to the children or not ?

Today's View  : Class 7 Acres  : 

Should Pocket money be given to the children or not ?

1. Pocket money can be given to the children but it should be a limited amount. If the parents give more they might misuse it                                                      Vaishnavi K G                                                                               

2. Yes , Pocket money should be given to the children because they will know the value of money & can use it during emergency.                                                        Khadijah Shoaib

3. No, Pocket money should not be given to the children as they might misuse the money, instead , parents can buy the things needed by the children.                               Shamitha B

4. no,  pocket money should not be given to children . most of the children spend pocket money to buy junk food, which is unhealthy.                                                           Rohith M